Some things
After much trouble, Chris and I were told that we could move into our new apartment (N9, next to Shannon and Nicole) starting on the 8th of June!
I want to go fishing. I think I will today or tomorrow.... I'd also like to go camping!
If we get to go to a Koyotes game sometime I'd like to go to Toys R Us, too so that I can find some toys for my Master's thesis. We won't be able to go on the June 10th week, cause we'll be moving, though I still plan to go to Jayme's shower that weekend. Maybe the June 3rd... Or maybe later if there is one later...
I hear Newgen is coming on Monday to grill things and play Warhammar.
I have a headache.
Yesterday I slept for 3 hours at night, got up to eat breakfast with Nicole and Shannon at Panera at 6:00, went home and slept for about 20 minutes before our appointment with Jardine, went home, talked about moving for a while, went to sleep for less than an hour, went to work at 12:30, got back at 5:30, did stuff, wasn't that tired, got really tires, started falling asleep, then the phone rang and it was Mommy, then I wasn't tired anymore, and stayed up til 3:00 this morning (I filed a box of things that I kept to took about four hours to do). I only ate one meal yesterday when I got home (bratwurst) and nothing until...Well, nothing yet. We are grilling chicken at the moment. I am freaking hungry!!!
I want to go fishing. I think I will today or tomorrow.... I'd also like to go camping!
If we get to go to a Koyotes game sometime I'd like to go to Toys R Us, too so that I can find some toys for my Master's thesis. We won't be able to go on the June 10th week, cause we'll be moving, though I still plan to go to Jayme's shower that weekend. Maybe the June 3rd... Or maybe later if there is one later...
I hear Newgen is coming on Monday to grill things and play Warhammar.
I have a headache.
Yesterday I slept for 3 hours at night, got up to eat breakfast with Nicole and Shannon at Panera at 6:00, went home and slept for about 20 minutes before our appointment with Jardine, went home, talked about moving for a while, went to sleep for less than an hour, went to work at 12:30, got back at 5:30, did stuff, wasn't that tired, got really tires, started falling asleep, then the phone rang and it was Mommy, then I wasn't tired anymore, and stayed up til 3:00 this morning (I filed a box of things that I kept to took about four hours to do). I only ate one meal yesterday when I got home (bratwurst) and nothing until...Well, nothing yet. We are grilling chicken at the moment. I am freaking hungry!!!