Nettymus' Blog

Thursday, February 23, 2006

What is the deal with me being miss quoted?

"Jenette Turpin, graduate student in early childhood education, is one of two women on the K-State roller hockey team. Turpin, who grew up playing roller hockey with her brother, said K-State is one of the only schools in the area that gives women the opportunity to play. "

This is what the article in the Collegian said that I said.... Not only did I never say anything like that in the interview, I e-mailed him my answers to the question, so it's not like he misquoted me. I don't think women aren't allowed to play on teams in Kansas or on the Great Plains leauge teams.... I don't know if they are or not. All I said is that Nicole and I are the only two girls in the leauge right now.... Oh well... I guess it wasn't that bad of a misquote. But somehow they always make me sound so inarticulate...

The guy e-mailed me the questions the day before the article was due, and I sent him the answers about 4 hours before.

Jerry submitted a proposal for a hockey facility to be put in at K-State. Hopefully the publicity will help to get it accepted... couldn't hurt.


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