Nettymus' Blog

Thursday, January 10, 2008

And you post this?

Ok, so lots and lots of things have happened since I last personally posted... I got a real job, I finished student teaching, we are looking at houses and may have found our new house..... So what did I get on blogger to post about?

The "lost video" for Jupiter Sunrise's "Steal Me" video. It was destroyed during a hard drive crash, as I understand it, and Ben (who got married to Arthur Nix's sister, Olivia Nix, and his name is now Ben Karis-Nix)has been re-editing it and just posted it on YouTube days ago. It's pretty good about matching what I picture when I hear the song, except I picture them being kids, and the part when the song gets loud isn't what I think of... Also, there is less moon in the video then their should be. But pretty good, and made me REALLY sad that they broke up.

^_^ Good to talk with all of you again. Perhaps I'll post again when I'm not an hour and 10 minutes late getting to bed...


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